
The Navy SBIR Transition Program (Navy STP) is hosting a Navy Forum for STP Innovative Technology Showcase (Navy STP Showcase) booth at Sea-Air-Space 2024, the Navy League’s Global Maritime Exposition. We invite you to visit us at the event scheduled for 7-9 April at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.

Navy STP Showcases promote mature technologies from companies participating in the Navy STP, connecting these small businesses with government and industry personnel through on-demand Tech Talk presentations and an enhanced online presence through the Navy STP Virtual Transition Marketplace (Navy STP VTM). The Navy STP VTM provides additional information on innovative Phase II Navy technologies developed by small businesses participating in the program.

To register and learn more about Sea-Air-Space 2024, visit https://seaairspace.org.

Our Technologies


Day 1


Firm Topic Title Tech Talk

Advanced Electronics

AdvR Inc. N221-078 Post assembly balancing of Y-Branch splitters used in IFOG sensors TBA
Kent Optronics, Inc N211-005 Packaged Mid-Infrared Non-Mechanical Beam Steerer On Demand
Kent Optronics, Inc N212-103 Multispectral Target and Scene Projector On Demand
TRITON SYSTEMS, INC. N221-016 Autonomous Onboard Processing Hostile Fire Sensor System On Demand

Air Platforms

Diversified Technologies, Inc. N211-029 Launch, Recovery and Handling of Group 3 through Group 5 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aboard Navy’s Expeditionary Sea Base TBA
NanoSonic, Inc. N221-020 HybridSil Advanced, Heat Tolerant Towlines for Aircraft Towed Decoys On Demand
Spectral Energies, LLC N202-141 Effects of Surface Roughness Patterns on Hypersonic Boundary-layer Stability and Transition TBA
Texas High Energy Materials, LLC N151-008 Self Sealing and Crashworthy Fuel Bladder for Naval Applications TxHiEnergy On Demand
Wolf Technical Services, Inc. N171-026 Aircrew-Mounted Self-Adjusting Tether System On Demand

Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I)

Creative MicroSystems Corp. N222-119 Next Generation Close Air Support Enhancement (NxCASE) TBA
GIRD Systems, Inc. N211-068 S-Band Antenna System for LCS Communications Relay On Demand
GIRD Systems, Inc. N161-049 Anti-Jam Waveform for LCS Unmanned Vehicle Capability Advancement On Demand

Energy & Power Technologies

Creare LLC N211-041 Tactical Cryogenic Cryocooler for HTS Applications On Demand
Lynntech, Inc. N21B-T023 Next-Generation Lithium Battery Enabled by Holey Graphene-based Electrodes On Demand
Maplewell Inc. (d.b.a. Maplewell Energy) N211-074 CBM+ and RBM with an Energy Management Approach On Demand

Engineered Resilient Systems

Altron, Inc. N201-050 Real-time Insights for Combat System Integration and Testing On Demand
Hepburn and Sons LLC N21A-T005 Ground Fault Detection System On Demand

Ground and Sea Platforms

Arete Associates N212-123 External Payload Deployment System for Cylindrical UUVs TBA
MaXentric Technologies LLC N212-111 Technology for Transmitting and Receiving Airborne, High-Speed, Wideband, Covert Communications On Demand
Moonprint Solutions N211-024 Thermavent-SD Munitions Lifting Assembly Sunshade Cover On Demand
Stratom Inc. N191-002 Stratom Autonomous Pallet Loader Sequential On Demand


Fathom5 N22A-T026 Microscale Onboard Integrated Condition Assessment TBA
FTL Labs Corporation N204-A01 DADTMA Gen3 – Distributed Acquisition Digital Twin Maintenance Architecture On Demand
MATERIALS SCIENCES LLC N221-006 Room-Temperature Filler for Honeycomb Repairs – MSC P4769 On Demand
Metis Design Corporation N161-009 Fastener Attrition Sensing Transducer (FAST) On Demand


Day 2


Firm Topic Title Tech Talk


Service Robotics & Technologies, Inc. N201-X02 Adapting SRTs M1 Hardware Portal for Navy Facility Health Monitoring and Prioritization On Demand
Spectral Energies, LLC N22A-T023 SHARK (Student-focused Holistic Aquatic Robotics Kit) Aquatic Soft Robotic STEM Education Kit TBA
TRITON SYSTEMS, INC. N211-072 Autonomous Anchoring System For Unmanned Vessels TBA

Human Systems

Qualtech Systems, Inc. N221-069 Training and E-Learning for Maintenance-tasks using a Modern Platform for Operational-efficiencies (TEMM-PO) On Demand
Qualtech Systems, Inc. N192-134 AR-driven Model-based Maintenance-training And Decision-support Aid (ARM-MADA) On Demand

Materials & Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Ceramic Fibers, LLC N22A-T019 Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Physical Properties of CMC’s Through Novel Additives On Demand
Applied Nanotech Inc. N221-013 High-Viscosity Pre-Penetrant Etching Materials On Demand
Applied Optimization, Inc. N21B-T022 Integrated Computations Materials Engineering (ICME) Modeling Tool for Optimum Gas Flow in Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes On Demand
Cornerstone Research Group, Inc. N221-074 Optimized Turbine Blade Cooling and Defect Mitigation for Additive Manufacturing On Demand
Dynovas Inc. N221-076 High Efficiency Lined Pressurized Gas Storage (HELP-GAS) TBA
Free Form Fibers L.L.C. N231-D04 Shaped, High-Strength Silicon Carbide Fibers for CMCs in Hypersonic Applications made by LCVD On Demand
Intellisense Systems, Inc. N221-009 Autonomous Robotic Calibration System On Demand
KW Associates LLC dba Ampere Scientific N212-108 Low-Inclusion Content for High-Grade Streel Material Used in Gear-and-Bearing Components TBA
Pacific Engineering, Inc N102-144 Composite Missile Hatches System for Surface Ships On Demand
Spectral Energies, LLC N231-D03 A Validated Carbon-Carbon Modeling Tool for Hypersonic Thermal Protection Systems TBA

Modeling and Simulation Technology

CFD Research Corporation N231-D05 Fast-running simulation framework for Hypersonic C/C Structures and flight performance analysis On Demand
CFD Research Corporation N212-136 Hypersonic Aero-Optic Analysis and Imaging Framework (HAAWK) TBA
Innovision LLC N22A-T017 Integrated Digital Engineering Environment for PPE Development (IDEEP) On Demand
Materials Research & Design N221-067 A Digital Twin Model for Robust 3D Woven PMC Pi Joints On Demand


AnTrust N221-014 Platform Agnostic Change Detection for Littoral Environments (PACDLE) On Demand
Critical Frequency Design, LLC N221-005 DIGITAL ENGINEERING Photonics Integration for Modular Open Systems Approach Avionics Plug-in Modules On Demand
Hepburn and Sons LLC N211-069 Innovative Test Apparatus for Monitoring Insulation Health of Medium Voltage Direct Current Cables and Insulated Bus Pipe On Demand
RDA Inc. N182-116 Minimization of In-Band Interferers on Airborne Anti-Submarine System Performance On Demand
Surface Optics Corporation N202-118 Passive System for Detection and Identification of UAV’s Using Multispectral/Hyperspectral Imaging Technologies On Demand