WEST 2025
San Diego, CA
January 28th - 30th, 2025
San Diego, CA
January 28th - 30th, 2025
The Navy SBIR/STTR Transition Program (Navy STP) is hosting a Navy STP Innovative Technology Showcase (Navy STP Showcase) booth at WEST 2025, the premier Naval conference and exposition on the West Coast. We invite you to visit our booth at the event scheduled for 28-30 January in San Diego.
Navy STP Showcases promote mature technologies from companies participating in the Navy STP, connecting these small businesses with government and industry personnel through on-demand Tech Talk presentations. Additionally, these companies have an enhanced online presence through the Navy STP Virtual Transition Marketplace (Navy STP VTM). The Navy STP VTM provides additional information on innovative Phase II Navy technologies developed by small businesses participating in the program.
To register and learn more about WEST 2025, visit https://www.westconference.org.
Firm | Topic | Title | Tech Talk |
Advanced Electronics |
Sabre Systems, Inc. | N222-112 | Low-profile High-Frequency Maritime Antenna | TBA |
Air Platforms |
Burchell Professional Group Inc | N211-0572 | Flight Deck Tie Downs | On Demand |
Kairos Autonomi | N201-X01 | Universal Vehicle Controller (UVC) | On Demand |
Autonomy |
Battlespace Environments |
Blue Storm Associates, Inc. | A19-071 | Distributed Maritime Operations Environmental Intelligence (DMO-EI) | TBA |
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I)
Caliola Engineering LLC | N213-142 | Automated High Frequency (HF) Communications Planner | On Demand |
FIRST RF CORPORATION | N181-064 | Scalable Directional Antenna | On Demand |
Jove Sciences, Inc. | N193-A01 | Advanced Correlator – Navy (ACOR-N) and Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) Data Fusion Testing Using Data Collected by Jove Sciences, Inc. (JOVE) | On Demand |
MIKEL, Inc | N171-023 | Computer Network Defense Trainer | TBA |
Toyon Research Corp. | N20A-T024 | Back Channel for LVC Training | TBA |
Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) |
Toyon Research Corp. | N221-019 | Long-Range Passive Surveillance in Anti-Access/Area-Denial Environments | On Demand |
Ground & Sea Platforms |
Hydronalix, Inc | N102-182 | Compact, lightweight Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) | On Demand |
MaXentric Technologies LLC | AF20R-DCSO1 | HERMES | On Demand |
Human Systems |
ACSILabs Inc | N211-082 | Accelerated Learning Model for Increased Strategic and Tactical Decision Making Using Multi-Player Games | On Demand |
GreenSight | N22A-T023 | Innovative K-12 STEM Education Using Biomimetic Soft Robotic Kits | TBA |
Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. | N02-184 | Training Simulation Intelligent Scenario Generation Tools (ISMF) | On Demand |
Technology Holding, LLC | N21A-T001 | Innovative Method for Development of Hemp based Fabric | TBA |
Firm | Topic | Title | Tech Talk |
Autonomy |
GS Engineering, Inc. | N221-003 | GS Engineering REAPra | On Demand |
Materials & Manufacturing Process |
Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing, LLC | N211-016 | Multi-layer Structural Ceramic Foam Insulation | On Demand |
Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing, LLC | N231-D02 | SiC/SiC Produced by R3 Conversion | TBA |
Mainstream Engineering Corporation | N211-045 | Nanocoated Steel Aircraft Tie-Down Fitting | On Demand |
Modeling & Simulation Technology
Design Mill, Inc. | N172-101 | Shipboard Dimensional Analysis Tool (SDAT) | On Demand |
M4 Engineering, Inc. | N221-004 | Embedded Aircraft Design Geometry in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Framework | On Demand |
Sensors |
Alphacore, Inc. | N212-126 | “Wideband Multi-Element Optical Receiver” | On Demand |
Arete Associates | N211-089 | BOLTS | On Demand |
FTL Labs Corporation | N211-042 | SharpScan: Improved Resolution COTs based Small-Aperture Marine RADAR | On Demand |
Signal Systems Corporation | N172-122 | Buoy Localization and Uncertainty Estimation (BLUE) | On Demand |
TRITON SYSTEMS, INC. | N211-064 | Low Cost Deepwater Delivery Vehicle | TBA |
Sustainment |
Beast Code LLC | AF21B-TCSO1 | InSITE (Integrated Surface Information Technology Environment) | TBA |
Global Strategic Solutions LLC | N221-018 | Smart Avionics Systems Environment for Automatic Test Systems | On Demand |
Weapons Technologies |
JP Innovations, LLC | N193-146 | Pulse Power for High Energy Laser Applications | On Demand |